Paste Magazine Review
Paste Magazine reviews We Walked In Song in the April 2007 issue:
We Walked In Song[Badman]4 starsFolk trio walks in simplicitySometimes you just want to listen to music and not have to work at appreciating it—to hear songs about childhood nostalgia and married love and changes in the weather, without losing the sentiments in convoluted arrangements and cryptic lyrics. Don and Karen Peris of The Innocence Mission founded the school of simplicity from which artists like Denison Witmer and Rosie Thomas graduated, and they prove with this record that music isn’t necessarily more vital when it’s complicated—perhaps true creativity lies in the ability to distill a song down to what’s beautiful and useful. Their low-key, almost childlike folk music doesn’t plead for your attention or attempt to break musical ground, but that’s what’s so refreshing. Like yellow fall leaves that settle atop your shoes after the wind pushes through a grove of trees, these songs reach your ears just as gracefully. Kate Kiefer